To everything there is a season

Ever get a song stuck in your head? That’s what happened to me recently with the Byrdds, “Turn, Turn, Turn (to everything there is a season).” As I was listening to the song, photographs capturing the Feeling-Flows of my life flashed and paraded before me! What wonderful, remarkable, amazing “seasons” I have had! This may be hard for you to believe (since we look so young and all), but Jan and I are celebrating our 70th “season” on planet Earth!

Not only that, but we are in our 41st “season” with Peter. What a ride THAT has been! We are so grateful to all of you who have traveled with us a “season” or more. The appreciation we feel for all of you cannot be put into words!

“To everything, there is a season — and a time for every purpose under Heaven.”

And so it is, Jan and I have finally accepted our new “purpose” as Wise Elders. Finally! We know that WE are the ones charge dwith putting the inFORMation of the Peter together. We are the ones expected to offer the inFORMation to all. We are the ones WE have been waiting for! So the Peter Dialogs, the two of us and the “times” Bob Dylan sang about “They are a changin’.” The following is a list of some of the “changes” we are embracing.

  1. The Gatherings for the Peter and the 12 Many Friends will all be in the afternoon. We’ll start at 1 pm. And, at least for the first six months, we will continue to have two Gatherings a month. Apologies to those who prefer the evening. Those in attendance will be the source of topics or areas for discussion.
  2. We hope to explore many avenues for live group sessions via the internet. For now, we are using Skype.
  3. The things that won’t be changing are Private Sessions with the Peter, the White Box ceremony, and Answering the Call of Spirit to travel/journey.
  4. And here are some new additions: (a) Jan and I are spending Thursdays with Peter gathering more details on various concepts. It feels as if Peter is writing his “book.” (b) Jan and I are gathering items for our “WOW! 50 Years and still in LOVE!” tome. (c) I am putting together a class on “Honing Our Resonating Skills.” A couple of you have asked me about doing this before my “seasons” on Earth are complete.
And so, stay tuned. To Everything there truly is a Season and with a dab of patience and a pinch of Love, we may be on to that “time for every purpose, under heaven.”
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