Schmoozing with Max the Crystal Skull

Ever found yourself in the middle of a giant synchronicity?

That’s the way it happened. First there was the “pull” to watch again the Indiana Jones flick about crystal skulls last Fall. Second, there was the book I came upon about Crystal Skulls. Then, there was the Awakening Tribe’s Gathering of the Ways last spring at the Crystal fields in Arkansas. And last, but certainly not least, there was the proclamation of Peter (our not-in-form teacher) that we are all shifting to silicon based life forms –not totally sure what that means…yet.

Needless to say, when I got the note from a friend that a Crystal Skull, named Max, would be appearing in the small town north of Dallas, TX where our daughter lives, I knew I had to check it out.

We had the first appointment that cold February Saturday. Kelly (our daughter) went with me to take notes during my session. I found myself flashing on two things just before entering the room where I sat with Max — alone, except for Kelly:

1) I remembered the scene from the Star Wars film (#5) where Luke is in training with Yoda and asks him about a nearby area which had a bad feeling to Luke. As Luke puts on his weapons, Yoda tells him he won’t need them. Then Luke asks, “What will I find in there?”…And Yoda responds, “Only what you take with you.” (I’m paraphrasing, but you get the idea)

2) I realized I was touching my heart and calling out my name as I reached the threshold. I flashed on an experience from many years ago when Amalia and three other Peruvian Shamans came to stay with us for a month. She told me, calling out your name summons all of you…sort of like “pulling yourself together.” Pretty cool! Gathering all my parts, aspects, reincarnationals, etc. to join me in the experience.

So, there I was…sitting in front of Max. Beautiful music was softly playing and a faint wisp of incense circled in the air. One of the first things that happened was I felt tears rolling down my face. Kelly asked if it was sad or happy and I knew it was neither — and both — and not really based on emotion. They were tears of “Feeling Flow.” I had not experienced that before.

I closed my eyes and began to ask questions. I heard/felt Max laugh and soon I was joining him in laughter. A strong sense of confidence came over me about the trip to Utah and the 4th –the Crown — Pyramid, this summer. It was in the calm seas of “all-rightness” that I next found myself in my Garden of Sanctuary. “Oh good,” I thought, “I’m going on a Green Mist Journey!” Then something strange happened. I looked over to my left as I walked through the archway to the Garden and saw the most beautiful hammock! The trees holding the hammock were so powerful and felt so loving. The scene was perfect! So I slipped into the hammock and began to swing. Ahhh…such a wonderful feeling of PEACE filled me! What a blessed gift this was and continues to be.

I am probably still integrating the experience. Thanks for playing in the synchronicity with me. Schmoozing with Max was cool!

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