Pyramids, Stone Whisperers, and Florida Gathering

Pyramids and other megalithic structures are central to the messages Peter has been sharing with us for many years now. So it was not out of character to find our Gathering of the Ways in Oct., 2012, challenged by the tasking to explore the Coral Castle in Florida and the three Pyramids just off the Florida coast. Let’s first look at the three Pyramids (configured, sized, and positioned to match the appearance of stars on the Belt of Orion).

According to Peter, pyramids are best thought of as “generators.” They are placed across the Earth in patterns or configured as an “energy grid.” However,  their amazing operation is reflected in and functions in the heavens!  The Earth configuration of the Mounds and Pyramids we have recently “turned on,” are mirrored on the Belt of Orion.   An amazing thing about this Earth grid is that it has been intentionally closed down, hidden, buried for as long as it has taken humankind to fall asleep and forget about this unlimited power source…awaiting the return of those whose task it is to wake up, reveal, and reconnect the generators and the grid both on the Earth and in the Heavens.  And while the awakening of humankind is the part of the process we humans find interesting, it is the expansion of the Solar System  (indeed the Cosmos) that marks our destiny as Stewards of the unlimited, unconditional Universal energy … sometimes referred to as LOVE.  “As above, so below.”

Our Sun has a sister Star which is clearly known to us as we step into our role as Stewards.  (Perhaps this Blue Star in the Hopi prophecy is dancing with us at the resonate frequency we have been perfecting in our experiences for some time now.)  That heavenly music we are all equipped to produce is waiting for us to feel it, to hear it, to see it, to do it, to be it …DNA holds the music and is ours for the embracing! Imagine it…a whole Universe resonating together!

The Pyramids and other megalithic pieces also hold the inFORMation of our heritage/destiny.  The Stone Whisperers (I think of them as the very Wise Elders) put the stories of our various points-of-reference  (time lines) into the massive solid stones.  They invite us to move into the language of Being…without limitations of Doing. We were told to begin to focus on the communication that uses no words and is accomplished when we KNOW that “I am you and you are me…and there is really only ONE of us.”  How refreshing to experience tolerance of and love for ourselves!

The experience of the Florida Gathering is still unfolding.  It was very apparent to all of us that we were each there to gather our particular piece or pieces of the puzzle and to  deeply appreciate each perspective as the “picture” began to fill out.  Hopefully, various posts of the individual experiences will be published here as they manifest.

All in all, this journey, this Gathering of the Ways, is still continuing. The Awakening Tribe, it seems, is now fully engaged in the unfolding of the new WAYS. How exquisitely the massive Stones have held the messages!  Imprints of stories – musical notes – frequencies awaiting Resonance’s guidance – all  hidden in plain sight!  Something tells me we are just beginning…



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Oct. 11-14, 2012, Coral Castle, Key Largo Trip

We will be Gathering the Ways in Oct., exploring the Coral Castle (Homestead, Florida) and 3 megalithic (pyramid) structures off the coast of Florida (Key Largo). It turns out, this adventure may be the icing on the proverbial metaphysical cake!  Read on…

The noteworthy link these Florida structures have is their inclusion in the group of megalithic forms found around the planet. Why were they built? Who built them? How were they built? Here is what we are learning from Peter and the 12:

  • They were built to put into dimensionality important inFORMation for beings not yet skilled in telepathy.  Skillful communication from mind-to-mind (using “feeling flows”), was the way of life for those advanced civilizations you think of as past.
  • They were built to facilitate the emergence of this “new” way of communicating by imbedding in the “megalithic stones,” messages or codes for unlocking this skill.
  • They were built by YOU or iterations of YOU and intended to remain hidden until YOU return and open the vaults of time to make available to those who are awakening the messages they hold.
  • They were built to override the limited sensory perceptors that have for perhaps all your life constructed your beliefs and systems of beliefs that no longer seem to apply.  (Remember “the diminishing impact of Cause and Effect” so frequently referenced by Peter).
  • They were built by breathing the inFORMation into the stones.  Therefore not needing glyphs or word symbols or alphabets.  The messages were breathed into the stones by those they called the Stone Whisperers.  We will be working with these ancient ones in Florida.

To expand this across time and look at a few megalithic stone forms, let’s stop first in Peru, at the fortress known as  Sacsayhuaman.  Whatever else you may notice when you look at them, these huge stone formations are amazingly placed…a feat not to be duplicated today. The Spanish fortunately used the masterful stone work of the Incas and  built their cathedrals on top of the ancient foundations. Those foundation stones hold messages of the Stone Whisperers.

Then there is the Sphinx in Egypt.  Reported by some like Edgar Cayce to hold a Hall of Records in an underground chamber (said records having not been found even though an “empty” chamber has).  What if the search for these records has overlooked the obvious? What if they are in the Stones forming the chamber? (Reports that the under chambers are empty may be misleading.) The Stone Whisperers were at work again?

And, of course, the most obvious example of “hiding in plain sight,” is the Great Pyramid itself!  Maybe the edifice with all it’s empty chambers holds the wealth of inFORMation in the Stones used to put it together!

We have been collecting a “Book of Stones” for many years.  The Pyramids of the 4 Corners in the USA provided an important foundation for the Book.  This Gathering in Florida turns out to be a very important chapter!

If you would like to join us, we will be staying at the Pelican ( there are rooms still available. Be sure to tell the reservation desk you are with “DARLENE’S Group” to get the discounted rate. If not in person, join us in Spirit!  It’ll be quite a ride!

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August, 2012, news and up-dates:

Hi All,
*****There are videos up on Vimeo of our recent sessions and if you follow the link, you will find a menu from which to select. Enjoy!
*****Jan and I have been meeting with Peter in what we call “Thursdays with Peter.” Because they are about an hour’s worth of information – not for the beginner or the student just curious about the Dialogs, we have put a security code on them. If you have studied with Peter and would like to have access to these videos, just drop me a line and I’ll send the code to you.
*****This Sat., August 4, at 1 PM, we will be meeting for our Dialog. These usually center around your questions or choice of topics and if you will be in the Austin, TX area, you are welcome to join us in person… and, as always, you may join us in Spirit!
We also have a Skype group of friends who cannot make it to our house, but want to experience in real-time. If you are interested in joining us by Skype, message me on Skype (k5ikmeru) and I will add your Skype moniker to the group we call.
*****The Peter Dialogs web page has experienced an interesting loss of files and is in the process of being resurrected (a fascinating process if I do say so myself!) If you or anyone you know had subscribed to the site, please re-enter your particulars on the web page to make sure you will receive e-mails from us.
*****We are planning a ceremonial trip to the Coral Castle in Florida for October 11-14. The teachers want to assist us in “translating” the informational frequencies used by our Brothers and Sisters who worked with the planetary Stone Structures. In addition to the Stone work above sea level, we will be exploring the Stone Of Atlantis found off shore from our motel in Key Largo. We are being asked to bring our favorite crystal for that ceremony. Maybe it’s time to “TURN ON – TUNE IN” the crystals supporting the Feeling Flows of Earth Mother.
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